Heli-One continued growth and capabilities in Poland

September 6, 2023
Jacek Baranowski, General Manager, Heli-One (Poland)
Heli-One’s global growth continues in Poland to drive aheadof the curve.
Strategically located in Poland’s aviation valley, a proudmember of Aviation Valley Association and near major central Europeanoperators, Heli-One are ideally positioned to service operators in Africa,Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Theirhighly skilled workforce of 150 at their Rzeszow facility combine their deepexpertise with creative problem-solving skills to set the benchmark for theindustry and take great pride in their craftmanship.
Heli-One is a leading global provider of helicoptermaintenance and support services including a complete integrated tip-to-tailservice optimising mission readiness and availability. Individual capabilities for airframemaintenance; engine and component repair and overhaul; in-service support;parts and supply chain management; CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness ManagementOrganization), Digital Technical record keeping and more, are offered to meetindividual customer needs.
As a wholly owned subsidiary of CHC Helicopter, one of theworld’s safest and most experienced global helicopter operators, Heli-Onecollaborate and knowledge-share with over 75 years of flying operations,bringing excellence in helicopter maintenance to their 350 operator customers.These customers include NATO’s Support & Procurement Agency, Netherlands’Royal Air Force, UK’s Ministry of Defence, Germany’s Federal Police, Finland’sBorder Guard, Bell, Leonardo, Safran, Macquarie Rotorcraft, Milestone Aviationand CHC Helicopter’s flying operations.
The 65,000 square feet Rzeszow facility was designedapplying the latest LEAN principles to maximize efficiency, while maintainingthe highest standards in aviation maintenance quality. From pop-up flooroutlets to a pneumatic parts delivery system, along with the latest technology,it provides one of the world’s most advanced helicopter maintenance facilities.
Heli-One Poland is CAMO (Part CAMO) organisation approved bythe European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), UK Civil Aviation Authority(CAA) and the CAA of the Cayman Islands. They provide Traditional CAMO support,Project Based CAMO support and Records Digitisation. Traditional encompassesCAM services for operators (AOCs), for lessors during storage periods, forgovernment agencies, also having Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC)privilege.
Project-based includes CAM support during base maintenance,technical consulting during induction, return to service and redeliveryprojects, and rebuilding of airworthiness database. Record Digitisation coversdigitisation and compliance check of historical airworthiness records andon-going support with records management. These managed services offermeasurable benefits, reducing costs and downtime, increasing reliability and,most importantly, improving safety.
Heli-One Poland provide CAMO service capabilities to agrowing portfolio of helicopter types, recently gaining their EASA Part-CAMOcertificate (PL.CAMO.0035) for; AW189, EC135, EC175, AS332L/L1, and Bell412EPand Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC). The extension of these CAMOservices reinforces their commitment to adding value for their clients and thedelivery of superior maintenance services, which will include reduced leadtimes and drive quality that come with applications to external authorities.
Their CAMO services are provided to small and largeoperators, lessors and government agencies to increase fleet performance,optimise operational costs and comply with all applicable airworthinessrequirements. Delivered through Swiss AS AMOS and GE Air Vault system, the CAMOteam develop customized airworthiness solutions tailored to individual aircraftrequirements.
Heli-One’s growth is strategically designed to suit theenvironment of rapid change and increasingly specific model capabilities tosupport a broad client base of private companies, government agencies, andbrokers, enabling them to be industry leaders.
Operating across a global network with over 600 employees,three maintenance facilities in Poland, Canada and Norway, eight CustomerSupport Offices and a distribution hub, Heli-One offers world-class facilitiesand the latest technology and engineering capabilities to overhaul aircraft inthe safest and quickest way possible.
With their growing capabilities, new solutions for customersand expanding workforce, Heli-One continues to reinforce their commitment topartnering with clients, offering unmatched quality in their services, andanticipating their needs.
Heli-One are not just incorporating industry insights – theyare leading them.