We constantly review our operational delivery model to maintain an industry-leading approach. We investigate and adopt the latest technological improvements and innovations to positively impact our business, our customers and the environment.

From pioneering innovative new ways of reducing the CO2 produced through our activities as part of our ClearSkies programme, to supporting local communities in the regions where we operate, we are committed to caring for our people, our business operations and the environment. 

To learn more, read our Sustainability Statement.


We support tens of thousands of people in different communities and geographies around the world, 24/7, 365 days a year. We are committed to doing the right thing by everyone, everywhere.



Our commitment to sustainability applies to both our operations and our business culture.    

As we continue to expand our global footprint, the Elevate Award programme allows us to celebrate individual contributions that demonstrate our corporate values. Our initiatives create opportunities for us to work together to drive positive change and enhance the efficiency of our organization.

And for our operations around the world, we partner with local organizations, run volunteering initiatives, and provide team members with the time to engage positively at a local level and support their communities however they can.

Here is one example of how we take care of our people:
2023 Accessibility Plan for Canada.



Taking care of our business means embedding safety in our culture, and collaborating with our peers to promote best practice.

We are a founding member and board member of HeliOffshore, the leading global safety organisation for the offshore helicopter industry, and continue to be actively involved and contributing to all its workstreams – supporting the development of best and recommended practices in the industry.

We also host our own annual Safety & Quality summit where hundreds of delegates from across the aviation, energy and safety industries gather to share their knowledge and contribute to a global industry safety conversation. What began nearly 20 years ago as an internal meeting of safety and quality professionals has grown into the foremost aviation safety event of the year – something we are very proud of.



Taking care of our environment is of paramount importance for all at CHC. We do this by supporting our customers with their carbon reduction targets, and focusing on the sustainability of our own operations.

For our customers, we developed a ground breaking sustainable flight tool – ClearSkies – which enables customers to select aircraft and routes that reduce the carbon emissions of their missions. And we have introduced Sustainable Aviation Fuel as a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional jet fuel.

For our own operations, we are working towards moving all of our electricity supply to renewable sources and setting a baseline for our Scope 1 & 2 emissions for all operated and owned locations around the world.

We endeavour to operate in the most efficient and environmentally friendly way possible, minimising emissions and our carbon impact.

CHC ClearSkies

We are extremely proud of our ClearSkies programme - the industry's first 'lowest carbon' rotary wing flight planning software, developed to optimize and enhance the sustainability of flight operations.

Developed and tested in-house by our experienced technical pilots, ClearSkies has been incorporated into our bespoke Operational Flight Planning System (OFPS) to enhance flight profiles, reduce fuel use and optimise CO2 emission reductions.

The enhanced flight planning software maps the most fuel-efficient routes for customers, taking into account key factors including helicopter type, distance, altitude, weight of load, and current weather conditions at the time of flight.

Results from aircraft trials in Australia and Brazil found that ClearSkies delivers an average reduction in CO2 emissions of at least 5 percent, with no discernible change in customer flight programmes.

ClearSkies is available for customers globally on our AW139, AW189 and S92 fleets, with further rollout planned for its H175 fleet.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel

As part of our ClearSkies programme, we have also introduced Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), providing a lower carbon alternative for customers.

Using SAF results in a typical reduction in lifecycle carbon emissions by around 80 percent in comparison to the traditional jet fuel it replaces.

We offer SAF at our bases in Norway, Aberdeen (Scotland) and Den Helder (Netherlands), with further rollout is being planned across our operations. We are also making SAF available as a customer option at selected offshore locations this year through a partnership between Air bp and Swire Energy Services.